Balwierczak & Yampaglia endorsed by County Chairman Paul Juliano, Bergen Commissioner Steve Tanelli!

NORTH ARLINGTON – All the tables were filled Monday evening as the North Arlington Democrats are serious about competing and taking back two council seats this November as they hosted a very successful fundraiser at the La Venere Ristorante on Schuyler Avenue.

Local Democrats, who have been in a political wilderness of sorts since 2019, the last time they held seats on the local governing body and have not won a municipal contest since 2016, some eight years ago.

The Republicans enjoy a 7-0 majority and to many have become complacent, lazy and out-of-touch with voters based on a record of overdevelopment, rolling assessments, gentrification, urbanization and unbridled construction of apartment dwellings that have little support from residents who want to preserve the community’s long standing notion of remaining the gateway to Bergen County, and preserving the principle of keeping NA small, safe and suburban.


Democrats promise this year, things will be different.


With two engaged and hard working hopefuls, John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia have already canvassed the municipality once, garnering over 300 signatures to secure ballot access in the upcoming June Democratic Primary, the most of any municipal candidate in either the Democratic or Republican parties in all of Bergen County!

The hard work has paid off as local Democrats who were splintered and fractured have put their differences aside to ensure a united front in a presidential year where the locals historically run well.


The ticket of Balwierczak and Yampaglia have enthusiastically received the support of former mayors Pete Massa, also a Commissioner with the Bergen County Utilities Authority (BCUA), and Ed Martone, the borough’s youngest serving chief executive along with former council members Robert Myers, Patrick Roche, Al Granell, Tom Zammatore and Mark Yampaglia, a local attorney and brother of John Yampaglia.

In a show of support, Bergen County Democratic Committee Chair Paul Juliano who heads the largest county organization in New Jersey co-hosted the event and was present calling for North Arlington Democrats to rally around the insurgents come the fall campaign.


“I’m here to let you know the county organization has your back and will do all it can to ensure victory this November,” offered Juliano to the delight of the crowd.

“There is no reason why Democrats can’t win anywhere in this county and North Arlington is a town I believe we can bring back blue. I have every confidence in these two candidates to do all they can to ensure an upset win.”

The Democrats are equally confident that with former councilman Steve Tanelli seeking a record fifth term on the county commission, a victory is within reach.


Tanelli, who has never lost a campaign, was elected to the North Arlington Borough Council in 2004, when he ironically trounced Brian Fitzhenry who is seeking reelection this year.


Tanelli was reelected in 2005 unopposed, and went on to win council races in 2008 and 2011. In 2012 he was tapped by Bergen Democrats to run for freeholder and was reelected in 2015 and 2018. In 2021 he ran again for reelection, but the state changed the name of the county governing body from freeholder to commissioner. Tanelli is one of only four North Arlington residents to serve at the county level, which were Alexander Allan (county clerk), William McDowell (freeholder, sheriff and county executive), and Leonard R Kaiser (freeholder).


Of the four, Tanelli is the only Democrat.

And history is on the side of the locals, as presidential cycles are favorable to Democrats and a large turnout bodes well for challengers versus incumbents.

Balwierczak and Yampaglia also received the strong support of Dr. Michael Russo (D), the 3rd ward councilmember from neighboring Hoboken in Hudson County.


Russo has been a member of the Hoboken City Council since 2003, making him the longest serving member in the history of that city. Well liked, popular and effective, Russo is considered one of Hudson County’s true governmental problem-solvers.

Russo is a cousin of candidate Balwierczak.


Both candidates were humbled by the outpouring of support and what will be a rough and tumble battle moving forward.

“Make no mistake, the Republicans will do everything possible to stop us and I say, bring it on,” offered Balwierczak, a former Republican himself.

“I want to thank Commissioner Tanelli, County Chair Juliano and Hoboken Councilman Russo for believing in us and supporting this grass roots effort. I understand the losing needs to stop, and this campaign is all about changing the perception of this party and offering voters a real option, a return to responsible two-party government and the notion North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban”.


Nick Antonicello, the longtime local party leader was encouraged by the turnout and more importantly the effort by his ticket.

“I can’t ask for a better approach, effort and enthusiasm. John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia are life-long residents who are putting North Arlington first. They believe in the principles of a competitive, grass roots democracy and they are committed to bringing back responsible two-party government. They are hard working who understand they need to earn voter respect and I know what it takes to win. We have the message, the people and the solutions necessary to change from this failed status quo that is not working. They will not be outworked or outdone. I am optimistic for our future as both a party and community and this effort will translate to the positive change we need come November up and down the ballot.”


Want to join the campaign?


Contact the candidates at (201) 655-8497.