Balwierczak & Yampaglia turning heads and gaining support as rampant overdevelopment is the only issue on the minds of NA residents!

“We won’t be deterred or distracted. They keep explaining and defending poor policy, and we keep agreeing with voters that overdevelopment needs to stop,” offered the challengers.

NORTH ARLINGTON – As Democrats continue to engage voters and search successfully for support, the embedded incumbents continue this basement campaign of ignoring the public and staying out of sight and view!

The Democrats picked up more sign locations this week and the message of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is hitting on all cylinders with the voting electorate according to council challengers John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, lifelong residents and graduates of North Arlington High School.

According to the Democrats, they have over 100 signs erected throughout the community.

“We are truly humbled by this groundswell of support,” offered Yampaglia, the brother of former councilman Mark Yampaglia, a lawyer with offices on Park Avenue in Rutherford.

“We are running a civil, issue-oriented effort based on the issues North Arlington really wants to discuss and that is the rampant overdevelopment of our community, specifically as it applies to Ridge Road, the Belleville Turnpike, Schuyler Avenue and River Road. Every single project and proposal pending have the support of Brian and Allison. These special interests are fueling their campaign and they absolutely refuse to comment as we are being overdeveloped into an extension of Hudson County. They have no interest in remaining small, safe or suburban,” offered the council hopefuls.

“We are picking up sign locations and support of Republicans who feel ignored by a local government that has attached itself to the hip of these real estate special interests who do not live here or even in most cases work here. They just build here with the rubber stamped approval of Fitzhenry and Sheedy.”

Democrats say they will not be sidetracked by petty partisan stunts by their opponents and mindless followers.


Balwierczak & Yampaglia continue to ask the same questions over and over again to both incumbents:   

How many apartment units have been constructed to date and how many more are coming to Ridge Road as well as Schuyler Avenue, the Belleville Turnpike and River Road?

Is the old Italian Villa property scheduled for demolition as well as the adjoining structures? Will there be more apartments?

What will be the fate of MELRAYS and the Boston Market properties?

Why did you raise taxes when North Arlington is sitting on millions in unappropriated surplus?

Why have Fitzhenry & Sheedy voted to award themselves raises four years in a row?

What was the cost to construct lavish offices in Borough Hall for a part-time Mayor? Why does he require a secretary?

Why did the Borough’s Construction Official call a Democratic candidate he personally opposes regarding a sign on his own residence?

Why would the incumbents continue to level personal attacks against the Democratic ticket?

Why do the incumbents support measures that are urbanizing North Arlington and decreasing residential street parking while increasing density and traffic along Ridge Road?

Is the proposal to construct senior housing along River Road a flood zone?

Why do Republicans vehemently oppose the proposition and principle of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban?

What are the incumbents doing to assist our public safety partners in combating home invasions and car break-in’s?       

“We ask the incumbents to answer the questions residents ask us every time we knock on a door regardless of political persuasion! We urge you to contact the Republicans to come out of hiding. Call them at Borough Hall at (201) 991-6060 and ask for either Mr. Fitzhenry or Mrs. Sheedy.”

The Democrats table every Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive from 9 am to 12 noon. Ask a question, fill out the community survey or take home a sign proudly supporting the team dedicated to keeping NA small, safe and suburban.

The Democrats are having a fundraiser this Sunday, 9/22 beginning at 6:00 pm at the home of candidate John Balwierczak located on Chestnut Street.

To RSVP, please call (201) 655-8497 and the address will be provided.

You can pay at the door with a check or cash. Make all checks payable to the North Arlington Democratic Committee.

Tickets are $50 per person and $75 for two.

All proceeds will go to paying campaign expenditures.

To join the campaign, call (201) 937-4277 or contact via e-mail at [email protected]

Sunday’s invited guest speaker is Paul Juliano, Chairman of the Bergen County Democratic Committee.