Yampaglia offer a positive message of offering new ideas and proposals NA
residents can support and embrace:
* Bike path along Ridge Road and along the Passaic River that would connect
the Arlington Diner to Riverside County Park.
* New pocket parks and community gardens
* A New Farmer’s Market during the warm weather months
* A reduction in metered parking
* A complete renovation of the NA Senior Center
* New proposals and strategies to reduce traffic, density while looking for
more efficient ways to handle snow removal
Yampaglia, a four-term Democrat also wants to partner with the Archdiocese
of Newark to ensure North Arlington receives payments in lieu of taxes
(PILOTS) for hosting operations at Holy Cross Cemetery and ending the
intrusive policy of rolling reassessments.
See a video of his proposals here.
For more information about his campaign, contact Councilman Yampaglia at
(201) 602-2612.
And remember, this campaign is all about North Arlington!