Voters are concerned by the rampant overdevelopment of Ridge Road and higher Municipal Taxes!
NORTH ARLINGTON – Local Democrats John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia were greeted Saturday morning to a throng of well wishers and support as the issues remain the same, the overdevelopment of Ridge Road by incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy coupled by the 2024 Municipal Tax hike, in which they both voted Yes!
Democrats table, and “meet and greet” with residents every Saturday at the Post Office in between their door-to-door canvassing of North Arlington.
You can meet them beginning at 9:00 AM till noon located at Ridge Park Drive.
To date, they have walked the entire community twice and are now walking and talking with residents for a third time.
Balwierczak and Yampaglia started this crusade for political change over a year ago.
No Democrat has served on the Borough Council since 2019 and no Democrat has been elected since 2016 when former councilman Mark Yampaglia and Jean Williams defeated Republicans Mario Karcic and Richard Hughes.
There is a strong call by residents by both Democrats & Republicans to end this grip on the borough by a single political party and install responsible two-party government for all.
Despite having a 2-1 registration advantage, Democrats have no voice in this closed community dominated by the likes of Fitzhenry and Sheedy, who have awarded themselves four consecutive pay hikes for attending one meeting a month!
Democrats took exception to the fact both incumbents have no plan, platform or program after a decade in office except allegiance to the political machine.
“They are actually proud that after ten years in office, they stand for nothing,” noted Balwierczak, the former Republican.
John Yampaglia is the brother of Mark, a local attorney. A life-long resident, John owns a business in Cedar Grove and holds both a BA and M.A.
A former teacher, he is a graduate of North Arlington High School.
His running-mate John Balwierczak is also a life-long resident and graduate of North Arlington High School as well where he played varsity basketball.
A full-time candidate, Balwierczak left the Republican Party due to the overdevelopment, urbanization, gentrification and density practices of the incumbents that have increased traffic, decreased residential parking and caused this year’s Municipal Tax hike supported by Fitzhenry and Sheedy.
The Democrats are encouraged by the volume of interest in the campaign and the organic support of their platform to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban.
“Why would Fitzhenry and Sheedy oppose the long held belief and principle that North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban? What is wrong with being the gateway to Bergen County? What is the obsession with trying to become an extension of Kearny or Harrison in Hudson County? Who wants to replicate the overdevelopment practices of Belleville in Essex County? The proliferation of more apartments extending to the Belleville Turnpike and Schuyler Avenue lacks any credibility or support. We already have three beautiful garden apartment complexes that conform to the mass, scale and character of North Arlington. The waving of height restrictions and building as many apartments as possible is wrong-headed and not supported by the overwhelming majority of residents. We will listen, and they do not. Fitzhenry and Sheedy are in an ivory tower at Borough Hall and are oblivious to the concerns and criticisms of an angry electorate,” offered both Balwierczak an Yampaglia.
“Increasing our population with more apartments means more students for a school district that is already at a breaking point. More importantly, this failed idea of overdevelopment only increases taxes and strains essential services. There is no benefit to North Arlington. Only developers, builders and real estate interests profit. The same cast of characters that are financially contributing to the campaign of Fitzhenry and Sheedy.”
“Join the North Arlington First coalition. Things will not change unless we elect two Democrats to end this Republican monopoly and monologue that is ignoring residents. The time to replace Fitzhenry and Sheedy is now.”