North Arlington Democratic Municipal Chairman Nick Antonicello had never run in a 5K until yesterday.
“I’ve run campaigns and gone door to door, so I wanted to try it and I’m happy I did,” said the 42-year NA resident.
“This Hayden’s Heart is a great cause and when I saw what it was all about, I wanted to contribute,” noted Antonicello.
Antonicello was not the only local Democrat to participate; also running was 2018 council candidate Josie Papile, a recently retired corporate executive and running enthusiast as well!
Antonicello did not train for the race, and wanted to see if he could compete and finish and was delighted by the results.
“I’m retired and committed to losing some weight and this was an opportunity to help a good cause and do something healthy all at the same time,” offered Antonicello who would not reveal his age!
Let’s just say I’ve been around a long time and I want to stay around, so getting back in shape is necessary,” said the retired Jersey City school employee and past commander of the Lyndhurst AMVETS.
He is veteran of the United States Army.
Active in government and politics for more than five decades in Hudson and Bergen Counties, Antonicello served in various local capacities including chairman of the NA Planning, Zoning and Library boards. He also served as a member of the Jersey City Incinerator Authority and Bergen County Utilities Authority. He currently serves in a part-time capacity with the security detail of the New Jersey Senate.
Antonicello said maybe his ability to participate will encourage other seniors to run in future races.
“If I can do it, anyone can and it’s for a very worthy cause,” said Antonicello
The race was the 7th Annual Hayden’s Heart 5K and this year’s proceeds were donated to the Gambini family. Sponsored by BCB Bank, for more information on this worthy cause or to donate contact www.haydensheart.org