For President:
Unlike President Donald Trump who tried to destroy North Arlington’s small town character by his endorsement of the failed EnCap housing project that would have constructed over 1500 units of high density, low income housing; this former “developer” tried to revive the housing scheme despite widespread opposition from North Arlington residents!
The only people that were for the failed EnCap disaster were two-time council loser James “Jimmy” Bocchino and his daughter Donna Bocchino who is giving a “blank check” to developers and the hundreds of apartments being constructed on Ridge Road with her approval!

Donald Trump was a disaster to North Arlington residents then and a disaster to North Arlington now as local Republicans are “urbanizing” North Arlington into an extension of Jersey City and Hudson County and if you care about your home value’s and the quality of public schools you will reject Donald Trump and his council allies Mario Karcic, Donna Bocchino and “Bozo” Joe Cerone, the Tea Party follower and Trump fanatic seeking a seat on the North Arlington Board of Education! Cerone wants to privatize local public schools and is completely unqualified to serve as a member of the North Arlington Board of Education.
We urge all NA voters to reject Trump and his allies who want to destroy North Arlington’s historic commitment to remaining small, safe and suburban!
For Borough Council:

Here are the many reasons Republican Incumbents Mario Karcic & Donna Bocchino must be replaced with Democrats John Yampaglia & Tommy Bradley:
- Karcic and Bocchino voted to give themselves a 19% pay hike in the middle of a pandemic!
- Both are seen in public numerous times ignoring basic CDC guidelines and failing to adhere to indoor social distancing practices by having more than 25 people in their campaign headquarters without masks and less than six feet apart for more than 90 minutes as witnessed on video!
- Karcic voted to create a job for his nephew at the Department of Public Works.
- Karcic voted for a tax assessment scheme that was rejected by homeowners and residents alike.
- Karcic voted to give a “blank check” along with Donna Bocchino with numerous developers that are “urbanizing and gentrifying” North Arlington as we speak!
- Karcic and Bocchino voted to give Bocchino’s father, a retired county patronage employee a “useless part-time job” created specifically for him, and then after less than one year, a 23% pay raise!
- Karcic and Bocchino voted to give 25 borough patronage employees a raise as well as a $43,000 increase for a local Republican official nearly doubling his salary!
- Karcic and Bocchino support more “six-story structures” on Ride Road including the Italian Villa location and Boston Market!
- Karcic and Bocchino supporters are now calling for “skyscrapers” on Ridge Road, akin to those in Journal Square in Jersey City!
- Karcic and Bocchino are in the pockets of out-of-town developers who want “urbanize” North Arlington into an extension of Jersey City and Hudson County!
- Karcic and Bocchino support “Bozo Joe” Cerone for the NA Board of Education, a Tea Party extremist and Donald Trump loyalist who wants to “privatize” public education in North Arlington!
- Karcic and Bocchino want to permanently close the Madden Senior Center!
- Karcic and Bocchino will raise Property Taxes thanks to reckless borrowing and debt schemes that will squander our surplus for more spending and thus skyrocketing taxation!
- Karcic and Bocchino endorse the construction of “low income” housing on Ridge Road which will decimate North Arlington’s long-standing value of remaining small, safe and suburban!

John Yampaglia and Tommy Bradley are life-long residents who believe in the notion of keeping NA small, safe and suburban!
Both are local products, attended local schools and graduated from high school here in North Arlington.
Both are “familiar faces and friendly names” that are “bipartisan” and place homeowners and taxpayers first!
John is the son of former Municipal Judge Emil Yampaglia and the brother of former four-term councilman Mark Yampaglia, a local attorney.
John earned a BA and MA and is a small business operator in Essex County where he operates a successful hair salon and is himself, a licensed beautician.
A former member of the Planning Board, John wants to continue his family’s tradition of local public service.
A 1,000 point scorer at QPHS, Tommy Bradley is one of North Arlington greatest high school athletes in both basketball and baseball.
Scouted by several MLB franchises, Tommy played Division 1 Baseball at the collegiate level at Virginia Commonwealth (VCU) before injuring himself and ending his dream of playing at the professional level.
A technology professional, Tommy is a former member of the IBEW, AFL-CIO and is a homeowner, husband, and father to two sons who are also stellar athletes.
A volunteer coach and recreation advocate for North Arlington’s kids, Tommy runs a “free baseball clinic” in the spring and can be found coaching on the very diamonds he played as a kid here in the community.
North Arlington currently as seven Republicans all loyal to Donald Trump and no Democrats!
We need a dialogue, a discussion on the issues and not a diatribe or political monologue like we have now.
Elect new leadership for a better North Arlington, Democrats John Yampaglia and Tommy Bradley for Borough Council.
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