Speaks to another empty council chamber, is Boston Market really being taken over by space ships?

Fitzhenry absent, Sheedy offers nothing worth repeating!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Unable to persuade the public that mass overdevelopment is a good idea, the frustrations of this fat and happy, all-Republican Borough Council fails to understand the magnitude of opposition to these so-called renaissance redevelopment schemes that are urbanizing North Arlington into an extension of Belleville, and no one wants to become Belleville!

Another monthly gathering where Mr. Pronti scolds the public for not attending his pre-packaged council meetings where every vote is programmed and predetermined, as hundreds of “yes” votes are regularly and consistently cast like a bad rerun of C-SPAN!

Claiming disappointment to residents fed up with his overdevelopment policies that are now raising property taxes, decreasing residential street parking and increasing traffic along Ridge Road, why would any reasonable taxpayer or homeowner waste their time being lectured by a part-time politician and real estate agent that hasn’t seen a multiple apartment proposal he doesn’t support?

For this is a one-party political monopoly fueled by special interests, real estate developers, political insiders, builders, contractors and alike who are backing this plethora of unbridled construction along Ridge Road with hundreds more online scheduled for the Belleville Turnpike, River Road and Schuyler Avenue.

For Pronti and his two-puppet candidates Brian Fitzhenry (who was not in attendance) and Allison Sheedy cannot understand why longtime residents are insulted by this transformation of Ridge Road into Bergenline Avenue in Union City as the notion of North Arlington being the gateway to Bergen County is being destroyed by these unbridled housing schemes! 

For one can notice several things different about Ridge Road:

Non-conforming, oversized apartment dwellings in conflict with the mass, scale and character of North Arlington.

Dozens of empty storefronts and dormant buildings apparently scheduled for eventual demolition.

A dilapidated Republican clubhouse that regularly breaks code with signage on public sidewalks.

What is the fate of two of the largest parcels along Ridge Road: MELRAYS and the now closed Boston Market?

The Democratic ticket of John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia are running as the “North Arlington First Team,” the ticket dedicated to the notion of keeping NA small, safe and suburban. 

“This Mayor and his council are truly detached from the economic realities of this community. Building tall, ugly buildings that lack the proper parking with hundreds of units only to add insult to injury by unnecessarily raising property taxes is no way to run a small, tightly knit community that rejects this kind of hard-hearted contempt for the public,” offered the council hopefuls.

“Fitzhenry and Sheedy are incapable of challenging Pronti and standing up for taxpayers. This lack of backbone and courage is astounding and they expect to be rewarded with another three years? It is mind-boggling that they cannot discern the trees from the forest. They will go down in history as dismantling a small, safe and suburban enclave nestled between urban complexes like Newark and Jersey City. They don’t care about the community values we all share except maybe the all-Republican Mayor & Council led by our opponents, Fitzhenry and Sheedy.”

Meet the candidates this Saturday at 9am at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive.

Support the candidates with a lawn sign or join the campaign by calling (201) 655-8497.