NORTH ARLINGTON – For the North Arlington 2022 Election, a Father and son team is offering the Borough a fresh set of eyes in this race for two seats on the North Arlington Mayor and Council this November.
Despite having more registered Democrats than Republicans, the Borough of North Arlington has zero Democrats representing the community and two fresh faces have stepped up to offer homeowners and tenants a choice.
Cengiz Sever for North Arlington Mayor
Cengiz Sever is the Democratic nominee for mayor and his son Kerim Sever is a candidate for Borough Council. Currently, North Arlington has seven Republicans on the Mayor & Council and has not elected a Democrat since 2016.

“No Democrat has served on the governing body since 2020 and that’s bad news for a stable grass roots democracy that represents all of the residents of North Arlington. What we need is a bipartisan discussion of the issues and that all residents have the ability to participate in the local democratic process,” offered the first-time candidates.
Dem Candidates Offer Different Voice & Perspective
“No political party should have a total monopoly on local government and that is the case today. Pronti and his political puppets have a virtual stranglehold on local government and we’re asking voters to add a different voice and perspective so that the entire community has a say and input in the management of North Arlington moving forward.”

“We want to offer a Democratic alternative so that every vote is not just a 6-0 partisan conclusion with no serious debate. How do you have hundreds, if not thousands of votes by the North Arlington Mayor & Council and never disagreeing on anything?,” questioned the candidates.
The Borough Should Start Hiring North Arlington Residents!
The Democrats are concerned about the hiring practices of the all-GOP council that has resulted in the hiring of an $80,000 a year mechanic and an out-of-town police officer earning nearly $160,000!
The Democrats were especially concerned about the proliferation of out-of-town police officers from Passaic County and the City of Paterson versus making a concerted effort to hire North Arlington residents first and foremost!

“Why are we not hiring North Arlington residents instead of individuals from Passaic County and Paterson? Where is the commitment to our people and our community? These are high-paying, well compensated positions and are we to believe no one in North Arlington would like to become a police officer and serve the community? This is an outrage and it needs to stop and we must hire locals. It makes no sense not to consider the very people who pay property taxes here for these sought after positions. If we’re elected we will have a North Arlington first agenda.”
Stop Out-of-Control Spending!
The candidates believe property taxes could be lowered if not for the spending habits of the all-Republican Pronti Administration.
“With Dan Pronti and his puppets, it’s spend first and ask questions later. We are living in a real estate boom with home values soaring, There should be no need to increase municipal spending, yet we have a boondoggle of a botched Borough Hall construction project that is costing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary spending that no taxpayer requested. The project is riddled in cost overruns and on top of it, Pronti and his puppets have awarded raises for themselves to attend a

Overspending and needless hiring of out-of-towner’s by the Pronti Administration over NA residents has caused a huge concern with local homeowners and taxpayers who want North Arlington to remain small, safe and suburban and to use surplus funding for tax relief for NA’s senior population.
single meeting a month. North Arlington is now spending roughly $1,000 per council member per meeting. It is an outrageous amount of money for part-time local government and the reason they are getting away with it is because there are no Democrats watching the details of this mass borrowing and spending by Mr. Pronti and this rubber stamp council.”
North Arlington 2022 Election: Property Tax Relief for All North Arlington Homeowners!
North Arlington 2022 Election Mandate: The Democrats are calling for an immediate moratorium on new spending and borrowing and want to see surplus funds for property tax relief for all homeowners.
“Why are we overtaxing and overspending? Why are we hiring out-of-towner’s first? Why are we spending money on Borough Hall that was just fine? We are a small community and Dan Pronti is spending our money like a drunken sailor on a weekend pass. We need new people with a fresh perspective to help manage the community.”
“There is a time for better, more responsible government. Give us the opportunity to participate and become part of the process. Local government cannot be a “closed club” controlled by one individual. That is the case today with Dan Pronti and his massive construction schemes along Ridge Road that are not lowering or stabilizing our taxes, but making North Arlington more gentrified and urbanized. We are not an extension of Jersey City or Harrison. We are the gateway to Bergen County and we’re committed to keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban.”
We urge a vote for the “Cever Democratic Team” this November!
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