Property Taxes and Partisan Politics don’t mix!
All residents can be proud of the good things happening in North Arlington.
The recent national media that cited North Arlington as a truly desirable venue to live, work and play is something that breeds community optimism and pride.
That isn’t a partisan accomplishment but rather a result of people working together for a common goal.
No political party has a monopoly on the good things happening when both parties actually agree on many of those accomplishments!
For all members of the Mayor and Council, both Democrat and Republican can take some form of the credit for North Arlington being on the right direction in many ways.
Recently you received your tax bills with a letter from Mayor Joe Bianchi, a Republican who is seeking reelection for the first time with incumbents Allison Sheedy and Brian Fitzhenry.
They make-up 43% of the current Governing Body and when you consider the fact that Councilman Mark Yampaglia is challenging Mayor Bianchi, 57% of the current Mayor and Council will appear on the General Election ballot.

Is it necessary for the Republicans currently in the majority to politicize the tax remittance process with letters of accomplishment and newsletters that appear to be overtly partisan and political in nature?
Tax bills should not be cluttered with what many would consider information that is political or very close to resembling campaign materials.
The local Republican Party has more than enough funding and cash on hand to promote their candidates for Mayor and Council.
By inserting a letter such as that authored by a political supporter of Mr. Bianchi, it actually dilutes his record and cheapens the community progress made on his watch here in North Arlington.
The closer we get to election season, one tends to question the motives of any correspondence that seems to favor or tip the scales from one ticket over another.
Let the voters decide who is best to serve.
There is no need for it and it trivializes the good things that are being done in what many would characterize as a bi-partisan and diversified Mayor and Council!
Councilman Mark Yampaglia as the Ranking Member has just as much a right to take credit for the good things happening as Mayor Bianchi and his running-mates.
He has served longer them than all of them and has proven time and time again that he is more interested in the actual accomplishments then who receives the credit!
In fact, former Mayor Peter Massa was there when Federal Express was just a proposal and concept, he too has a right to make his case but he isn’t doing it through taxpayer funded communications.
Moving forward we’re hopeful NA tax dollars will not be used to subsidize or support any political candidate for public office be they be a challenger or incumbent.
Both parties have displayed the ability to raise funds and get their competing messages to the voter.
Elections should be about the future and the side with the best ideas to move North Arlington forward.
It should be a discussion, not trying to perceive ownership on an environment and community that has contributions from many places, people and sources beyond the Republican ticket.
No political party or candidate should be bold enough to take the credit of all that is good. Because if they do, they should also be prepared to take responsibility for the things that are not going well and that need correction and change!