Balwierczak and Yampaglia feel a groundswell for their message of combating massive overdevelopment by Fitzhenry, Sheedy!

Won’t be deterred by the promise of a senior housing proposal no one supports, especially seniors!

Keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is what taxpayers demand!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia walked all weekend and picked up several new sign locations for this grass roots campaign to end overdevelopment, high property taxes and return responsible two-party government back to the community.

Incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy are unabashed and determined to continue to construct more apartment dwellings on Ridge Road despite community opposition as this determination to build even more apartments will now rear it’s ugly head along River Road, the Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue.

Both incumbents are double-downing on even more density, urbanization and more apartments that have already led to increased traffic and congestion as well as decreased street parking for both homeowners and tenants.

This transformation of North Arlington into a city has shocked most longtime residents who believe the mass, scale and character of these new apartment dwellings do not conform to the community’s belief that North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban.

“Add the home invasions, car break-in’s and this unnecessary property tax hike and you have an electorate that feels forgotten and ignored,” offered John Balwierczak while canvassing door to door Sunday afternoon.

“There is a groundswell of support for our team that wants to be heard and are exhausted by this all-Republican Mayor and Council that refuses to listen. There is no support for a single additional apartment dwelling, but we know hundreds are now online and who knows what will become of the MELRAYS parcel as well as Boston Market, both empty and dormant,” offered the first-time hopeful.

While Democratic signs are mysteriously being stolen, more signs are actually popping up.

“Like daisies, our signs are mounting and our message is resonating because they have no message at all. All we know is that Fitzhenry and Sheedy are the puppets of the mayor. No agenda, no platform. No proposals. Just build baby build!”

“Build more apartment seemingly anywhere. River Road and Schuyler are next and the Belleville Pike as well. They refuse to listen to longtime residents who have had it with the traffic, lack of parking and a sense North Arlington is becoming an extension of Hudson County or Belleville, take your pick.”

Both Balwierczak and Yampaglia table every Saturday from 9AM until 12 noon at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive and residents are encouraged to stop by and complete a community survey, or pickup a sign for their lawn.

Democrats will be hosting a candidate “Greet and Meet” on Wednesday, October 30th beginning at 7PM at the Arlington Diner.

All supportive residents are invited.

For details contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.