Why are Republicans Raising Property Taxes While Sitting on Millions in Budget Surplus?

Is Overdevelopment Aggravating the Spending Practices of North Arlington?

NORTH ARLINGTON – Local Republicans, despite controlling every aspect and every seat on the North Arlington Mayor & Council for over a decade, now have one of their most ardent supporters justifying this year’s tax hike supported by incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy.

This GOP appointee to the local Planning Board, ironically voted to raise school taxes three times during a single term as a trustee to the North Arlington Board of Education only to be soundly rejected for reelection to another term

A local real estate agent by profession, he is quoted as saying in a public online rant, “Thank you Mayor and Council and Boro Administrator for a remarkable job keeping the increase so low.

But why raise taxes in tough times, especially when North Arlington is reportedly sitting on over $4 million in budget surplus?

In other words, why is North Arlington squirreling away these tax dollars and asking property owners to dig even deeper?

Another online post described the defense of the tax hike as “partisan hackery,” for if the increase was imposed by NA Democrats, “we’d never hear the end of the complaining from the people who are acting fine with it under this Administration (Note: all seven members of the Mayor & Council are Republicans and no Democrat has served on the governing body since 2019)”.


The question that continues to be ignored by Fitzhenry and Sheedy as well as their partisan followers, why are they approving all of this new construction that is not stabilizing taxes and spending?

Why this urbanization of Ridge Road with a mass, scale and character that more resembles Harrison or Union City in Hudson County?

Why breakaway from the historic notion and community value that North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban?

As the gateway to Bergen County.

For is “Becoming Belleville” in the best interest of North Arlington?                         

Why are we not remaining suburban which is a key selling point to moving to North Arlington and Bergen County in the first place?

And why are longtime residents simply ignored in this unbridled transformation of Ridge Road now spreading to the Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue?

With hundreds already constructed and hundreds on the way, what is the benefit to taxpayers or residents by increasing the population, thus increasing traffic and reducing overall residential street parking for all?

For this is the question that continues to remain unanswered by both Fitzhenry and Sheedy, too overconfident to campaign and knock on a single door.

“Elections seem bothersome to the incumbents. These are not lifetime appointments. This year they need to be held accountable for a record that is abysmal in keeping the community small, safe and suburban,” offered council candidate John Balwierczak.

“Maybe they can tell voters why they voted themselves raises four consecutive times? It’s a question they arrogantly fail to answer.”

Democrats are also concerned that the spike in new residents will further stress municipal services.

They point to the recent rise in home invasions and break-in’s that have many residents further upset about the direction of North Arlington under an all-Republican Mayor & Council.

“We support the NAPD and want to create an atmosphere that keeps us small, safe and manageable. North Arlington should not be trying to replicate a Harrison or Belleville. These overdevelopment schemes do not have the support of homeowners or our long-time tenants in the three garden apartment complexes,” observed the candidates.

The Democrats concluded by asking, “when did raising property taxes ever solve a problem and when is either Fitzhenry or Sheedy going to explain why they support unbridled overdevelopment that most residents can’t stand?”

Meet the candidates any Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office between 9 and 12 noon between now and the November 5th General Election.

Want a sign for your lawn?

Call the campaign at (201) 655-8497.