Balwierczak and Yampaglia are protecting residents from overdevelopment and higher property taxes while Fitzhenry and Sheedy are for more of the same!

NORTH ARLINGTON – As the 2024 campaign comes into full view, the incumbents are mired in a record of overdevelopment, increased density, less residential parking, urbanization and the construction of over 100 new apartment units to date with at least another 100 forthcoming!

For Democrats Balwierczak and Yampaglia clearly oppose this urban transformation of North Arlington into an extension of Hudson or Essex County and the only issue that seems to matter is can this construction be brought to a halt?


The Democrats are proposing a pretty straight forward agenda that will have difficulties pushing forward as Republicans will continue to maintain a 4-2 majority with a Republican Mayor and an all-Republican Planning Board.


Here is their agenda:




END OVERDEVELOPMENT. With 100 apartments already constructed, the impact on essential services is obvious and long-term. The urbanization, density, increased traffic and overall impact on a community that once prided itself as being the gateway to Bergen County has been seriously threatened and compromised. The addition of two Democrats would be a wake-up call to Republicans that what they endorse has no support with the electorate.

END ROLLING ASSESSMENTS. Voters are complaining that these rolling assessments discourage property improvement and it will be interesting to see if building permits by residents have scaled back because of this dilemma. Dozens of residents are irritated by this 2024 Municipal Tax hike, especially when the government is sitting on millions in surplus that could have easily eliminated this unnecessary increase in property taxes!

PROTECT RESIDENTIAL STREET PARKING. If you live in close proximity to any of these new developments along Ridge Road, your street parking has been compromised. Residents have complained at Borough Council meetings and those complaints have been if nothing else ignored. Many believe permit parking should be considered and that if this plethora of apartment dwelling construction continues, the problem will only become worse with no turning back!

The notion of “Pay to Play” practices is evident and obvious in the minds of many. The Republican political campaign machine is subsidized in large part by real estate interests, builders, developers, real estate agents and others who are lobbying for even more construction. All one needs to do is examine the ELEC reports of the NA Republicans which is littered with special interest real estate contributors doing business and developing multiple unit apartments in North Arlington. What is the sense of more development if such proposals do not control taxes and spending? Where is the relief for seniors and other longtime residents who feel they are being pushed out through this gentrification of the community.


The goals and objectives of Balwierczak and Yampaglia is to stem the tide of multiple-family construction that has received a “blank check” from both Fitzhenry and Sheedy who openly mock the Democrats and arrogantly claim that there is no need to comment.

In other words, if you don’t like it you can leave.

For this is their town and you just live here!

With Republicans enjoying a 7-0 majority with no one to fight back, they believe overdevelopment is progress, a renaissance of sorts.

With the Democrats campaigning for a year, they have yet to meet a single individual or voter that agrees with the overdevelopment of Ridge Road with more on the way.

Why wasn’t a Town Hall or survey conducted to get resident feedback on any of these apartments that have been built or proposed?

Why were residents simply ignored and shutout? For this race for borough council is obvious.   

If you believe Ridge Road is just fine with multiple vacancies and more apartment construction, reelect the incumbents.

But if you believe you should have a say, that your opinion matters, then take a chance with a better direction with candidates who believe North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban and that this overdevelopment fails to meet the scale, mass and character of a community of single and two-family homes.

But most importantly, why were residents shutout and ignored and now despised when they speak out?

The difference in campaigns, ideas, and future of North Arlington could not be more obvious.

Join the campaign to bring back responsible two-party government.

Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

Placing North Arlington First!

Join the campaign and call (201) 655-8497.