“Becoming Belleville,” is not what Residents Believe to be the Right Track!


“Remaining Suburban versus Urban,” is what NA Taxpayers & Homeowners Demand!


NORTH ARLINGTON – Elections are about the future, and local Republicans led by embedded incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy have made it clear through their actions that urbanizing and overdeveloping Ridge Road along with the Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue has become their clear objective with taxpayers and voters having little or nothing to say!


The image here is the overdevelopment of Washington Avenue in neighboring Belleville, an Essex County municipality of some 38,000 residents that borders Newark, New Jersey’s largest city.

For Belleville is everything North Arlington isn’t.

It is a city.

It is urban and dense.

In fact Belleville has a population density of 10,755 residents per square mile.

It has eleven schools and an enrollment of some 4,500 students, with 350 classroom teachers and a high school with nearly 1,500 students.

For North Arlington and Belleville couldn’t be more different, but that is changing rapidly with this Republican vice-grip and monopoly on local government.   

For Republicans control all seven seats of the North Arlington Mayor & Council and no Democrat has served since 2019.

No Democrat has been elected since 2016, some eight years ago!

For all the unbridled construction and plethora of apartment dwellings has been on the watch of Republicans Fitzhenry and Sheedy and they have voted “yes” for this gentrification and urbanization of a small community that was once proud to call itself “The Gateway to Bergen County”.

For North Arlington seems to be replicating the overdevelopment we see in Belleville, and is that just a coincidence?

The Mayor of Belleville is a close political ally of the North Arlington GOP machine, as well as a vendor to the Borough of North Arlington. Mayor Michael Melham owns Alpha Dog Solutions, a government and campaign communications firm that lists our community as one of his customers!


For how long has Alpha Dog Solutions been a vendor and how much have they made courtesy of taxpayers with Fitzhenry and Sheedy voting yes again and again?

For it was our Mayor in 2021 who joined forces with Belleville’s Melham to endorse losing gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli, who is again running for governor in 2025 and is a decided underdog in next year’s Republican Primary.

Is this North Arlington on the outside looking in, yet again?

So this political ally, confidante and vendor to the Borough is also knee deep in the politics of the incumbents Fitzhenry and Sheedy?

For now do we know the rest of the story?

Is North Arlington now seeking redevelopment advice from a city of which we have little to nothing in common? 

For the residents that The North Arlington First council challengers speak with is that they want to remain small, safe and suburban. That they moved to North Arlington not to be an extension of Kearny or Hudson County, or to mimic the redevelopment practices of Belleville in Essex County.

John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia have North Arlington’s back while Fitzhenry and Sheedy lead from the back of the line!

North Arlington does not want to lose it’s unique identity and character and become Belleville, and that’s a fact Jack!

North Arlington wants to remain small, safe and suburban, and that can only happen with your support and vote come Election Day this November 5th.                 

Fitzhenry and Sheedy.

In too long.


Time to go!

Join the campaign that protects taxpayers!

Call 201-655-8497.