Taxpayers, homeowners and tenants all agree that the urbanization of Ridge Road is killing North Arlington!
Balwierzczak & Yampaglia remain undeterred by negative campaign mounted by Fitzhenry & Sheedy!
NORTH ARLINGTON – Walking in 90 degree weather, council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia hear the same thing over and over again no matter who answers the door.
Too many apartments.
Way too much density.
Traffic is ridiculous along Ridge Road.
Why are so many businesses empty?
Is Italian Villa being demolished?
How many more apartments are going to be built?
What will happen to MELRAYS and Boston Market?
These are the issues North Arlington residents truly want to talk about.
“Whether they are Democrats, Republicans or Independent, the questions remain the same and they are furious by the direction of this all-Republican Mayor & Council. They ask us, why is no one listening? And why are my taxes being increased when they are sitting on millions in surplus? This is what Fitz and Sheedy will hear if they dare to campaign anywhere except across the street from my home,” chuckled John Balwierczak who is a graduate of North Arlington High School seeking office for the first time.
Balwierczak also noted that his neighbors and friends on Chestnut where he resides were not impressed with the Republicans campaigning right across the street.
“It backfired. I have 17 sign locations on my block and they alienated just about everyone. They refuse to be held accountable for all the apartments and plead ignorant to what is to come. They have a senior housing proposal in a flood zone and they are taking advice from partisan politicians who are now vendors on the North Arlington payroll who regularly donate to the local GOP machine! I won’t be taking advice from the Mayor of Belleville or a failed GOP candidate for office in Passaic County.”
And now Municipal Taxes are rising and the whole premise of these overdevelopment schemes have no logic. Why bring hundreds of units to North Arlington when all it does is place a stress on essential services which ultimately will increase the public school population and increase property taxes even further?
Hundreds of apartments constructed with hundreds more to come. A GOP rubber stamp Planning Board that can’t say no. A council that spends tax dollars on lavish offices for part-time elected officials that have awarded themselves raises four years running.
Is this the renaissance?
Is North Arlington moving forward?
Is this the future of North Arlington?
“We have walked the town twice and will walk the entire community three times. They have barely left their door steps. The are the hand-picked, rubber stamp ticket of the Mayor. In fact his name is more prominent on their silly signs that lack any message, cohesion or purpose. We are the North Arlington first team. We are committed to keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban. They stand for politics as usual. One-party government. A monopoly. A monologue. We want to keep North Arlington the gateway to Bergen County. They want to urbanize North Arlington into an extension of Belleville. No one in NA wants to become Belleville,” offered Balwierczak and Yampaglia.
Meet the candidates this Saturday at the North Arlington Post office from 9 to 12 located at Ridge Park Drive.
Pick-up a lawn sign, register to vote or purchase a ticket for their next fundraiser scheduled at 6pm on Sunday, September 22nd at the home of candidate Balwierczak located on Chestnut Street.
A traditional Italian style buffet and dessert is being planned. Bergen County Democratic Committee Chair Paul Juliano is scheduled to be the featured speaker.
For details, call (201) 655-8497.