Mark Yampaglia for Mayor
June, 2018
Dear Neighbor:
Unity and good will is at the heart of any thriving and successful community.
Most residents are more interested in our commonalities then what divides us and that is what will be at the core of my campaign to become Mayor of North Arlington.
Great communities like North Arlington have a plethora of talent and people with great ideas to move North Arlington forward. Those who know me understand my role as a bipartisan problem solver, someone who supports the best idea and isn’t really concerned who gets the credit!
Mayor Bianchi and I have many things in common.
We’re both life-long residents who’ve made long-term investments in North Arlington.
Mayor Bianchi and I both have given back in the form of public service as colleagues on the Governing Body. Both of us are local business owners and both of us graduated from North Arlington High School.
So what makes us different?
We both want what’s best for North Arlington and I would never question his commitment to that collective goal.
I believe a different path should always be considered to reach our goal of a well kept and well maintained community that offers low taxes and places a premium on the value of a place where one can raise a family, build a business and be part of a special place like North Arlington.
With that said my campaign will be an expression of my values and my vision on how best to keep North Arlington on the right track!
I believe redevelopment needs to be strategized with three different plans in mind:
- River Road
- Schuyler Avenue
- Ridge Road
River Road offers spectacular access to our Bergen County Parks system and I believe in cooperation with the County and State so we can do the following:
- Construct a bike and walking path along the Passaic River that connect to Riverside County Park in Lyndhurst and beyond. Build a vision for the riverfront that eliminates businesses that are counterproductive and offer residential opportunities that create added assessments and higher values that mix of the current pocket parks and athletic facilities.
Schuyler Avenue offers some of the most attractive and unique views of New York City and we need to take advantage of our skyline opportunities:
- High end residential housing should be considered for this singularly unique location that will increase all property values. We need to take a hard look at available parcels and maximize those opportunities with the appropriately scaled design, mass and architecture.
Ridge Road needs to be evaluated for its “Main Street” appeal.
- Let’s attract the right kind of retail that drives commerce to North Arlington while considering a mass transportation/light rail component that connects North Arlington to New Jersey Transit in Rutherford and reinforces our commitment to providing excellent access to Manhattan with homes values in reach of our residents!
Some 250,000 people call this destination their final resting place and it is important we have a fruitful and positive relationship with the Archdiocese of Newark. Because of this special relationship the State of New Jersey needs to recognize the limitations it places on us and that legislation be sponsored to permanently compensate homeowners for hosting this facility that will further stabilize property taxes while considering new agreements with the Archdiocese that compensates North Arlington in lieu of taxes (PILOTS).
There are many small things we can do that amount to big changes in the perception of a community and how others become more interested in investing in North Arlington. Rutherford for example is known for their Labor Day Street Festival which attracts thousands of people.
I would like to propose several new ideas that will make our appeal even more popular:
- Bike path striping along Ridge Road to make our streets cycle friendly in the warm weather months.
- More pocket parks for dogs and community gardens around NA for those with a green thumb!
- A permanent Farmer’s Market that will drive business and commerce to the community to say nothing of a true meeting place for all.
- Offering local restaurants outdoor tables and creating a more friendly and attractive places to eat and stroll!
- Eliminate all parking meters along Ridge Road. Let’s stop thinking small and reinvent our parking priorities to drive revenue in a more positive and productive fashion.
- Installation of more bike racks and creating private partnerships with ride share organizations like UBER that eliminate unneeded traffic along Ridge Road.
- A complete reevaluation of our street parking needs and capabilities by retaining an outside expert that can address how best to plough and remove snow during the winter months.
- Make the permit process for homeowners easier while identifying curb reconstruction and tree planting as a Borough wide initiative.
My style of governing will be low key and about results versus who gets the credit. In the end everyone benefits when good things keep happening!
If successful, I’ll appoint both Democrats and Republicans to our various boards and commissions. I’ll seek out people who simply believe as I do that progress is not politics and politics does not pass for successful public policy.
Finally, we need to continue to do the good things happening at Porete Avenue.
The Federal Express project was a bipartisan initiative started by former Mayor Peter Massa my running-mate and then completed by Mayor Joe Bianchi. There was success because our differences did not exceed what we truly have in common which is good government and a better North Arlington!
My campaign will not be about personalities or politics, but responsible public policy.
There will be no attacks on people running or not running and I will only share my beliefs, values and differences of opinion when it comes to the issues that need to be addressed. Should I be successful, all members of the Governing Body will have a place at the table.
It will be a local government about solutions and how best to implement those policies for the betterment of this great community we all call home.
In the weeks ahead I will be conducting an extensive door to door campaign and ask you what you think of me, my ideas and my running-mates who want to earn your support.
I hope when we knock on your door you take the time to tell me what is on your mind and how we can work together for the common good of the community.
If you need to contact me, my cell number is (201) 602-2612 and I have a law office in Rutherford should you want to speak in person or in private!
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to your questions, feedback, and opinions.
Best Regards,
Councilman Mark Yampaglia
Candidate for Mayor of North Arlington
(201) 602-2612