A second independent candidacy has emerged in North Arlington’s race for mayor with Lillian R. Saldanha filing her petitions and expanding the field to four candidates.
NA Today has learned that candidate Saldanha is a former Harrison resident, married with two children and resides on Prospect Avenue.
A political unknown with no prior governmental experience, reliable sources tell NA Today that GOP Councilman Dan Pronti led guidance in the process of signature gathering to get her qualified for the ballot.
“It is highly unusual for a person not involved in local government or politics to gather over 100 signatures in a matter of days. Some believe Councilman Pronti was helpful. It is unclear who else assisted the newly minted candidate,” offered one local political observer when asked to comment.
To date, neither of the independents have filed reports with the state’s Election Law Enforcement Commission more commonly known as ELEC.
Saldanha is the first woman ever to seek the office of mayor in the history of North Arlington and this field of four will be the largest amount of candidates ever to seek the borough’s top spot.
Neither independent filed a team of council candidates ensuring only Democrats and Republicans will populate the governing body come January of 2019.
“With no council support, an independent bid is fruitless. The fact neither candidate could persuade anyone to run with them speaks volumes to seriousness and credibility. You need support. Being mayor is not a dictatorship, it’s a position that requires the ability to bring people together. It is not a one-man band of governance,” offered one observer when asked to comment.
No one at this point knows why the first female mayoral hopeful filed and what her issues will be come the fall campaign.
Democratic leader Nick Antonicello believes the addition of two independent mayoral hopefuls “clarifies versus complicating the 2018 campaign.”
“We welcome the competition. This only indicates a dissatisfaction with Mayor Bianchi and his term of office.Councilman Yampaglia is a drama-free candidate with life-long roots in the community. Mark is a graduate of NAHS with advanced degrees and a law firm in Rutherford,. He’s been appointed twice and elected four times by NA voters. He is a time-tested, qualified, capable and ready to serve leader with a positive message of making NA even better,” noted the long-time municipal chairman,
Antonicello indicated because of the size of the field Democrats will likely poll the voters while formulating a unifying message that resonates with the community.
“Mark’s letter on www.natoday.net outlining his positive agenda is the first step in building voter confidence and trust. There will be no tearing down or tearing apart, just sensible public policy that makes sense for North Arlington,” offered Antonicello.
Antonicello indicated his team of candidates will walk door to door and host a table at the Post Office as in past campaigns beginning shortly.
“Our candidates are eager to get started. We received a strong call for support in the primary with dozens of calls and inquiries from our mailing and visitations to our web address. The fact we out polled the Republicans by some 200 votes tells me we have structural support that’s embedded and real,” said Chairman Antonicello.
To join the effort, contact Antonicello at [email protected].