Does a Taxpayer Sponsored Newsletter Make Sense in 2024?


NORTH ARLINGTON – One must wonder why the Borough of North Arlington is once again in the print placement, direct mail business?


One doesn’t have to be a media expert to understand the cost of print is woefully expensive, especially in short-runs like these newsletters and the only one benefitting is seemingly the vendor.


For why is North Arlington getting into a dubious venture at best?

And what was the cost to hire such a vendor?

Was this bid the lowest, and was the bid process even competitive?

We asked before and we’ll ask again the cost to taxpayers to publish such a newsletter in 2024?

Is it wise to invest in such a practice that probably doesn’t cover the cost, much less turn a modest return on investment (ROI)?


There is a reason why The Leader Newspapers no longer exist and most print-driven publications are simply going the way of the dinosaur!

For what guarantee is an advertiser receiving for a $950 half-page ad and how many will actually even pay that price?


How many even paid that full price in the previous issue?


$500 for banners?


Who does this make sense too?


Here is an idea, how about offering a North Arlington Business Directory online at the Borough’s website for a year where it costs little or nothing to those local retailers?


Wouldn’t that drive local traffic and visitation?

Help local retailers while maximizing a strong and robust, online presence?

Why not an online newsletter instead with a more reliable frequency versus old-fashioned print?

And why offer a medium that is literally dying on the vine?

Assuming these newsletters cost at least $10,000 per quarter, wouldn’t it makes sense to invest those dollars into an even better website?

Local Democratic candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia have suggested online and digital strategies should they be successful that would cut down the price of communication by migrating online, all of the time!

It’s just a better way to conduct municipal business!

Let’s face it, our lives are on our phones and the only constant in life is change.


And that change doesn’t mean clinging to the past to mediums that don’t make financial sense.

But most importantly, how much money did the last newsletter cost taxpayers?



Why is that information such a secret?


And where are GOP incumbents Fitzhenry and Sheedy?

What was there reason for voting “yes” again and again?

Do they have an opinion on anything?

Why continue down a road that doesn’t make any sense and why not offer businesses the most efficient and cost effective way to communicate?

For NA Today is willing to offer any legitimate North Arlington advertiser a “free” online banner for six months!

Send us your message or ad and we’ll offer you a an online audience that is twenty years in the making!

All you need to do is e-mail us at [email protected]




And we won’t mix your message with partisan politics.




How’s that for a deal?


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