A Message to North Arlington from Mayoral Candidate,
Councilman Mark Yampaglia:
October 19, 2018
Dear Resident:
This week has been a difficult time for our community. The passing of North Arlington Mayor Joe Bianchi reminds us how one reacts to adversity and tragedy. My gut told me this was no time to campaign, but to reflect on the good life of this special individual so I temporarily suspended my campaign in deference to the Bianchi family. That was the right thing to do. For we all know what is appropriate and what is not.
It is important to note my political party played no role in the current litigation before the courts. As of this writing, the conclusion of that action has not been determined. The local Republican Party or at least certain members of the GOP brought this litigation to being. They are suing the Bergen County Clerk for relief who is the custodian of our elections. I and my running-mates will abide by whatever decision is ultimately reached.
For me, the dynamics and interest in this campaign have changed literally overnight. I have known Joe Bianchi most of my adult life. We were neighbors and colleagues. He was a local businessman and so am I. He had a life-long commitment to public service and so do I. Mayor Bianchi was low key and more concerned about results then rhetoric and petty politics. Like me he wanted to move North Arlington forward no matter who got the credit.
I have served on the North Arlington Mayor and Council longer than any my colleagues. I have served with three different mayors and have been appointed twice and elected four times. I am a bipartisan problem solver who places North Arlington first and foremost. I believe Mayor Bianchi and me had much in common. That my personality and temperament lends to a less political; and more bipartisan approach moving forward.
Mayor Bianchi and my running-mate and former councilman Pete Massa placed public policy far above politics. Despite running against each other four years ago they always remained friends and public servants. It is that example, that governmental template I will follow should you elect me as North Arlington’s next mayor. In an effort to unify North Arlington and work together I will propose a proper memorial in memory of Mayor Bianchi. He deserves that permanent recognition.
As of this writing I’m not sure who will be my Republican opponent and it really does not matter. For I will run the same positive campaign promoting the same ideas, suggestions and proposals I have endorsed for the last six months. I will continue to promote the following for North Arlington:
· A Bike and Running path for our Passaic Riverfront that will extend from the Arlington Diner to Riverside County Park with help from our freeholder, Steve Tanelli.
· The construction of pocket parks, a permanent Farmer’s Market and community gardens.
· The complete renovation of the North Arlington Senior Center.
· Bike lanes and ride share opportunities for Ridge Road.
· A redevelopment plan that emphasizes unique offerings for Schuyler Avenue, Ridge and River Roads.
· The abolition of parking meters and a new plan that addresses density, traffic, parking and snow removal.
· Develop a new partnership with the Archdiocese of Newark that addresses payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS) through special legislation for hosting Holy Cross Cemetery.
· Emphasize new home construction versus the proliferation of apartments and multiple dwellings that increase the stress on essential services that will spike school taxes, density and traffic along surface streets.
· A continued commitment to keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban.
· Maintaining a first class police and public safety presence.
· Build a better relationship with our public schools and work in partnership in areas of mutual concern.
I believe all of these goals and objectives are reasonable and necessary for North Arlington to move forward. I spent a great deal of time and energy to offer voters something memorable, tangible, credible and right for taxpayers.
As this campaign comes to a close, consider my unique resume of educational excellence, government service and practical experience as an elected official. For campaigns are in many ways like a job interview and there will be four applicants or finalists for your support. I believe I have those qualities as well as the character to reach across the aisle and work with both Democrats and Republicans alike. I will be tempered, fair and practical. I will remain frugal and fiscally conservative in my approach and philosophy. I wanted you to hear from me why I believe I am the logical successor to Mayor Joe Bianchi.
As always, feel free to reach me anytime on my cell at (201) 602-2612.
Unified and together we can do anything!
May God Bless our departed Mayor and God Bless the Borough of North Arlington.
Councilman Mark Yampaglia, ESQ
Candidate for Mayor
North Arlington, New Jersey
(201) 602-2612