Yampaglia: I want to be an “Education First” Mayor for Parents & Students!
The North Arlington Democrat teams with former school board president and NAHS graduate to build a partnership with school officials, parents and students alike
When it comes to education, nothing is more essential in the success of an individual noted Councilman Mark Yampaglia, the Democratic nominee for Mayor of North Arlington.
“I am the only mayoral candidate in this race that attended local public schools as well as Queen of Peace. Because I am the only life-long resident I understand the importance of a strong educational foundation and how that has changed my life for the better, noted Yampaglia, an attorney in private practice with an office in neighboring Rutherford.
“All I am and all I have accomplished are due to the strong educational foundation I received here in North Arlington. I am a graduate of QP elementary and NAHS. It is those teachers and experiences that attributed to my commitment of educational growth and becoming an attorney and private business owner. It is because of what was afforded to me, I must give back,” noted Yampaglia who is a member of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa and has a Bachelor’s, Master’s and JD from FDU and the Touro School of Law.
Yampaglia believes the Democratic ticket of himself, Pete Massa and Josie Papile is best suited to partner with local schools and the challenges of quality public and private education here in North Arlington.
“I was endorsed by Governor Phil Murphy who increased state aid here in North Arlington by over $1 million dollars this year. I have his support in this race as I did when I sought a council seat in 2016. No other candidate can make that claim,” said the four-term councilman.
Yampaglia also stressed his relationship with local legislators such as Senator Paul Sarlo, Assemblyman Gary Schaer and Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese who have also endorsed him for mayor.
“The Governor as well as the entire legislative team here in the 36th Legislative District has endorsed my candidacy because they know my commitment to public schools and the importance of maintaining strong school funding and educational excellence. I also have the support of Freeholder Steve Tanelli too who also has a strong relationship with our teachers and these relationships matter,” said the mayoral hopeful.
“We live in dangerous times for our schools and I will ensure the public safety needs of our teachers and children. I want an open and transparent relationship with Queen of Peace as well as the North Arlington Board of Education so that we all are on the same page when it comes to putting kids first.”

“I am a product of North Arlington schools and proud of it. I want to work in concert with the school board so that we create win-win partnerships that maintain educational excellence, high test scores, and homes values that continue to increase. That is at the core of my candidacy and one of the reasons I believe I make the most sense as the successor to Mayor Bianchi. While we are from different political parties, our demeanors and personalities have much more in common than any other choices in this race for mayor.”
Yampaglia said one of the first things he will do is request a meeting with the North Arlington Board of Education as well as Queen of Peace to understand their goals and objectives.
“We all care about North Arlington. Hopefully I’ll get that opportunity to lead and govern with our school partners.”
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