Councilman Mark Yampaglia renewed his pledge to renovate the North Arlington
Senior Center should he be successful comes Tuesday, November 6th.
“The Democratic Party’s historic commitment to seniors will be alive and
well in North Arlington should we be victorious. The Madden Senior Center is
in dire need of repairs and this will be an immediate priority,” noted
Yampaglia, a life-long resident and graduate of North Arlington HS where he
played Varsity Baseball.
Yampaglia reminded voters it was NA Democrats who built the Senior Center
and it will be NA Democrats who will fully renovate that facility.
“Democrats built the Senior Center. Democrats built the Library and then
renovated it under Pete Massa. I believe in reinvestment and maintaining our
infrastructure. I want to be sure our seniors have first rate facilities and
services. They deserve it,” noted Yampaglia.
Yampaglia is running with former mayor and BCUA Commissioner Peter Massa, a
retired NAPD officer and Josie Papile, a retired CFO and life-long resident
as well. Massa is a graduate of Queen of Peace while Papile is a graduate of
North Arlington HS and a former editor of the Viking Saga.
All three are college graduates with Massa and Yampaglia having earned
advanced degrees. Massa and Papile are both seniors.
Yampaglia, a local attorney with a practice in Rutherford is married to his
wife Shirley and are parishioners of Queen of Peace. Yampaglia’s father is a
retired municipal judge and his brother is a member of the North Arlington
Planning Board.
Need a ride to the polls?
Call Councilman Yampaglia at (201) 602-2612.
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