Famous Last Words Mayor Pronti?
“Our candidates have repeatedly stood by the idea they will debate anywhere, so they will.” – Mayor Dan Pronti’s bold prediction 24 hours before cancelling a debate with Democrats Hurley, Marfino and Yampaglia.
“I’m anxious to see if any last minute excuses are made and someone cancels or drops out.” – Mayor Dan Pronti’s comments just hours before unilaterally canceling the forum and preventing his candidates from debating Democrats Hurley, Marfino and Yampaglia.

And now we know that Mayor Dan Pronti’s words are meaningless.
Even though he is not the campaign chairman, Pronti unilaterally decided to cancel the debate!
Isn’t it now obvious Del Russo, Cavadas and Bocchino NEVER wanted to debate in the first place!
That Pronti could not stand the thought of his candidates being exposed as unqualified and incompetent challengers who support high taxes, perks, salary hikes and promotions for the Pronti/Bocchino political machine?
That candidate Del Russo would have to explain his support of high taxes and the failed housing scheme known as Encap?
That candidate Cavadas would have to explain her part-time patronage gig and vendor status with the Borough?
That candidate Bocchino would have to explain away her father’s $8000 part-time patronage job as a “Quality of Life” Officer?

That these three candidates believe there have been no tax increases in three years? That property taxes decreased?
That this ticket blindly supports the largest tax hike in North Arlington history?
Is anyone surprised these candidates cannot speak for themselves?
The choice is crystal clear!
Vote Column 2 Democrats on November 5th!