Political debates are determined by the participating parties that agree mutually to the rules and guidelines.

But this is North Arlington where Dan Pronti thinks he will unilaterally determine the time, date and who will moderate.
It doesn’t work that way Jimmy and Dan.
But Bocchino or Pronti have never debated in the past, just “talked about debates” and that’s exactly what’s happening again!
Do as I say, not as I do!
You see Dan Pronti thinks because he’s mayor he can do as he pleases, nice try.
There needs to be an objective third-party with no skin in the game organizing such an event, not the supporters and handlers of the Del Russo, Cavadas and Bocchino Ticket.
Pronti seems to think he’s running and he can bully the rules because he’s Dan Pronti.
His arrogance knows no bounds.
How this usually works is that the campaigns come together and create guidelines for such a discussion.
That would mean reaching out to the Democratic Chairman which has not and will not occur!
It is common knowledge that Donna Bocchino and Lynette Cavadas do not want to debate.
No matter how much “Danny Boy” and the “Boss” try to cover for them, that is the truth!

All the conspiracy theories in the world can’t cover the fact Bocchino and Cavadas have no interest in such an event and all of Danny Boy’s “spin” won’t change that reality.
So Democrats will continue to secure more lawn signs, support and enthusiasm for this campaign with the help of Freeholder Steve Tanelli, Assembly members Gary Schaer and Clinton Calabrese as well as former mayors Russ Pitman and Pete Massa?
And by the way, what former NA mayors are supporting this ticket?
And why does Pronti ignore all the good things our late Mayor Joe Bianchi has done for him, the Republican Party and North Arlington?
You see what we mean?
This is about “debating about debates” people and avoiding the voters of North Arlington.
Your candidates already blinked Danny Boy.
See you at the polls on Election Day!
Vote Column 2 Democrats.
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