While NA Republicans are partying in Atlantic City, Balwierczak and Yampaglia stay the course going door to door, building support with Borough Residents!
NORTH ARLINGTON – Who is canvassing the community with a positive message of fundamental change a week after the election? Seems like two people that are serious about real change while these incumbents are obsessed with retaining a failed, status quo!
For the NA GOP, who saw their efforts to defeat NJ Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36) go up in smoke as Democrats increased their margins in both houses of the NJ Legislature, further alienating North Arlington from key elected officials based on the partisan pettiness of Pronti and his six blind mice! But do the results open speculation for a change at the local level come 2024? For that is the local political buzz as we enter the holiday season.
The Mayor was also seemingly embarrassed in neighboring Kearny, where he stuck his nose in another community’s internal affairs only to see his endorsed candidate get rejected by voters! And then it was off to Atlantic City for the annual League of Municipalities Convention, a three-day political party disguised as some essential governmental event in which Dan and several members of the council were out to dinner with other borough officials that by the way donate graciously to the GOP’s political campaigns without fault! And just how much did this boardwalk blowout by the beach cost NA taxpayers?
Just what was the cost of hotel rooms, breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as transportation to and from this event?
For Democrats Balwierczak and Yampaglia are the early political risers in this 2024 campaign, doing the hard and necessary work to be taken seriously, and winning come next November when the turnout will be close to 7,000 voters in a presidential cycle.
And with Balwierczak and Yampaglia starting early and often, there will be little if any kind of an “incumbent’s advantage” come the filing deadline next spring.
For the true “work horses” for NA taxpayers are Balwierczak and Yampaglia, while the “show horses” are two, do-nothing incumbents depending on a Mayor not on the ballot to get them across the proverbial political finish line!
Two incumbents with no record of accomplishment, both voting themselves generous pay hikes while one secured herself a job on the government payroll while the other has spent his entire time on the school board or borough council raising taxes, increasing spending and doling out salary hikes when he wasn’t getting rejected for Bergen County freeholder (now supervisor) by his own Republican Party or getting humiliated in his delusional race for the state senate!
So when these two energetic, life-long residents, born and bred knock on your door be sure to know this won’t be the last time you see them because they believe that North Arlington must come first over the one-party machine politics that has residents tired and seeking the change NA truly needs!