North Arlington – It took North Arlington Democrats to build the library on Ridge Road and then refurbish that same facility. It was Democrats who built the Senior Center and it will take Democrats to renovate it.
Councilman Mark Yampaglia, who called for the renovation in last year’s mayoral campaign believes the time to renovate this aging facility is now.
“This facility is used by my parents and neighbors. It is now decades since a stitch of work has been done to the building and we need to devise a timeline either for renovation or construction of a brand new center,” offered Yampaglia.
“We can’t forget our seniors. These people are the backbone of North Arlington and they deserve a state of the art center to hold their meetings, socials and events moving forward. This kind of effort can be subsidized through bonding or applying for outside aid and assistance. This would not be a huge expenditure, but it would create tremendous goodwill with residents,” said the four-term Democrat.
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