Who is Watching the Store?

Borough Salaries increasing at alarming rate, what will be the impact on spending and Property Taxes?

North Arlington is by nature a conservative community made-up of hard working, blue collar seniors and families who demand clean streets, safe neighborhoods and stable taxes.

But a quick observation of a recent salary resolution saw expenses spike sharply.

Here’s a quick review:

·       The position of equipment operator went from $43,000 to $75,468, an increase of 43%!

·       The position of mechanic spiking from $43,000 to $75,489 or 43% too!

·       The position of Clerk Typist spikes from $39,000 to $54,480 or 29%!

Why would salaries explode at such an alarming rate and who called for these huge salary increases?

In addition, the Mayor and Council created the position of “Quality of Life” Officer on a part-time basis for $8000!

This position was newly created with little if any justification of why such a strange position would be necessary for taxpayers to shoulder!

Call Mayor Dan Pronti at (201) 991-6060 and ask him why he would support increasing the salaries of just three employees to the tune of $76,000!