Biden for President

Democrats started this process with nearly two-dozen potential candidates for the nomination and are now down to two in former Vice-President Joe Biden and US Senator from Vermont, socialist Bernie Sanders.

Since Sanders is not a Democrat and only caucuses with Democrats (he is officially an Independent), one wonders how he could ever pursue the nomination of a political party in which he does not belong?

Nevertheless, Sanders has strong appeal with younger voters, yet fails to tell anyone how much these proposals will cost taxpayers and conservative estimates have them in the trillions.

Not billions, trillions.

Four years ago Senator Sanders offered Democrats a contrasting opinion versus the flawed candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but things seem different since Super Tuesday.

Democrats don’t want a protracted primary battle and would much rather consolidate their energy into defeating Donald Trump who carried North Arlington four years ago.

Biden’s landslide victory in South Carolina set up his Super Tuesday blowout of Sanders and regular, rank and file and organization Democrats want to put this nomination process in the rearview mirror and focus on the real opponent, President Trump.

Sanders lost North Arlington four years ago and in all likelihood will lose it again by a far larger amount.

He just doesn’t have the support of Democrats who simply want a Democrat as the nominee.

More importantly, New Jersey Democrats as well as Bergen County Democrats are rallying around the former Vice-President as the best chance to defeat the incumbent. Most polls have Biden easily defeating Trump and his top of the ticket presence will help Democrats win two, highly coveted seats on the North Arlington Mayor and Council.

A Biden nomination will help local Democrats win council seats and that’s something that needs to take place come November!

With North Arlington still touting the highest Property Taxes in all of South Bergen, the GOP incumbents have taken an axe to our “small, safe and suburban” lifestyle and replaced it gentrification, urbanization and a virtual parking lot along Ridge Road with this proliferation of apartment dwellings that are stressing local roads and will eventually cause a spike in our local school population that will permanently raise school taxes forever!

If it were up to the Pronti crowd, he would have North Arlington secede from Bergen to Hudson and rename North Arlington Harrison or East Newark!

North Arlington voters cannot depend on the Pronti political machine to protect our values while driving up the cost of local government all at the same time.

North Arlington needs a choice, an environment in which Democrats are enthusiastic that drives independents and Republicans to our side of the aisle.

This is not a time for needless, protracted battles in which the Republicans ultimately win.

Sanders must suspend his campaign and endorse Joe Biden and local Democrats will have the right top of the ticket for victory at the local level.

Despite the Pronti rhetoric, North Arlington still maintains the highest property taxes in all of South Bergen.

We need Democrats on the North Arlington Mayor and Council as a check to that flawed fiscal policy!

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