What’s wrong with Borough Hall?

In another attempt to expend large sums of tax dollars when no one is paying attention, freshman Republican Mayor Dan Pronti supports hundreds of thousands of dollars in the renovation of Borough Hall in the midst of a pandemic when most businesses are rethinking the whole notion of office space and the need to save money versus spending more as being suggested by Pronti and his allies on the Borough Council, Mario Karcic and Donna Bocchino!

By all appearances Borough Hall is clean and well maintained and there is no real reason to unnecessarily appropriate this kind of funding for a facility that is more than needed in these tough times.

“While businesses are being shuttered, Dan Pronti and his rubber stamp hacks Karcic and Bocchino have invented a new way to expend tax dollars instead of giving homeowners a break. This is a structure that currently is closed to the public and no one is allowed to visit. Where is the logic of such an idiotic idea and waste of money,” offered one observer when asked to comment.

Since the Mayor and Council under GOP rule has failed to explain the need, much less the benefit to residents, this is just another example of Pronti doing what he pleases with no input from the community, as usual.

Did anyone learn from the QPHS debacle? Expending some $11,000,000 on a building the school district does not need? It’s an empty structure that has become an unnecessary “white elephant” around the necks of taxpayers and in a post COVID environment, how will this additional structure address smaller classes, social distancing and a safe environment for personnel and students? This is a school district that cannot get out of its own way and Dan Pronti, Mario Karcic and Donna Bocchino are following the same path of fiscal failure.”

What kind of office will satisfy the needs of a part-time Mayor?

Now we hear Pronti just doesn’t like his current office and is seeking an elaborate “suite” of a seven-figure salary CEO of a FORTUNE 500 company!

“Dan Pronti is a part-time mayor in a “weak borough government” model. He has no direct authority over any employee, no authority over the police department or any other department for that matter. The Borough Administrator runs the day to day operations, not Pronti. He does not prepare a budget like a big city mayor. In fact there are only 53 cities in all of New Jersey and North Arlington is not one of them.”

North Arlington Borough Hall on Ridge Road, what needs to be fixed, renovated or replaced?

“Spending money for the sake of spending tax dollars without a need defies logic or a benefit to residents. Local government should be going paperless and online which would eliminate the kind of brick and mortar monuments Pronti, Karcic and Bocchino are proposing. It’s just another reason why we need to “fire” both Karcic and Bocchino come November and replace them with Democrats John Yampaglia and Tommy Bradley.”

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