NA Today has asked over and over again just what this “Quality of Life” Officer does for North Arlington?

Other then cashing a check, what are his responsibilities and functions?

The person hired is a partisan NA Republican who was defeated not once, but twice for Borough Council and now his daughter is a GOP candidate for the Borough Council endorsed by Mayor Dan Pronti despite the fact she has zero governmental experience at any level!

Her father is a retired government employee and Republican insider and former party official.

Where are the reports submitted by this part-time officer?

Is this a position about politics as usual or politics on the job?

What exactly does this individual do for $8000?

Is this a position that addresses actual “quality of life” issues or is this more campaigning and politics as usual by the NA GOP?

There are 567 municipalities in the State of New Jersey and 70 municipalities in Bergen County and none of them have a part-time political post that has apparently no job description or qualifications for employment!

Just who hired this individual and why?

Mayor Dan, can you tell NA what’s going on?

North Arlington homeowners and taxpayers have a right to know how tax dollars in this case are being potentially wasted!

Call Mayor Pronti at (201) 991-6060 and ask him why NA needs this useless position on the payroll?

Here comes the new boss, same as the old one!

Call today!